L&D Programs


Partnerships for organization-wide agile learning

agileXL partners with organizations to build their own scalable, in-house learning capabilities. The most effective and flexible way to upskill your workforce is to set up your own L&D program and internal academy. We use innovative platforms, tools, and learning approaches including blended learning, personalized learning paths, activity-based programs, and social learning.


Agile Learning Backbone

Creating learning capabilities that support your goals and strategy


Agile L&D Design Model
(Click to enlarge)


To provide your agile L&D program a good foundation, we suggest aligning learning capabilities with business goals, agile transformation changes, and agile skill gaps.

To do this systematically and pragmatically, our Agile L&D Design Model gives the handles to develop the right learning capabilities and underlying elements.



 agile Curriculum Design

Offering learning content that addresses your skill gaps for your agile way of working


Agile upskilling curricula should not be fixed recipes because new skills need to map onto needs and gaps. Agile curriculum design is therefore a good investment so that you upskill and reskill in the right sequence and in line with your other changes.


A typical curriculum covers agile methods (Scrum, Kanban, SAFe), agile culture development, tools training, design thinking, leadership development, and change resilience workshops.


Enquire about Organization L&D programs