Team Training Workshop: Agile Change Management and Resilience Building

Team Training Workshop: Agile Change Management and Resilience Building


Apply human leadership and agility to help teams embrace change and become resilient in the new normal.

Duration: 1 day
Audience: Managers, Leaders, Change Agents, Coaches, Teams
Formats: Onsite or live online team workshop, train-the-trainer
Certified Digital Badge: Agile Professional - CHANGE AGILIST

You are in an organization that experiences significant change, uncertainty, or ambiguity. Traditional mindsets and processes do not support such environments. Instead, we need to instill growth thinking, create elastic teams, and introduce processes that take change into account. In this workshop, you learn how to combine change management science, resilience building techniques, new leadership styles and agile processes in order to tackle changes better in both human and technical terms while achieving the business goals at the same time.

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Block 1: Concepts and industry experiences
· The VUCA world, causes and effect of change, and the new normal
· Industry trends and lessons learned with change management
· The emerging importance of resilience
· The role of agile and agility in the context of change

Block 2: Change management
· Resistance: types, causes, and understanding the positive and negative aspects
· Change management models compared
· 9 organizational traits that help organizations with change
· The ADKAR change model in-depth
· Planning & executing change activities with agile methods to achieve business goals

Block 3: Resilience building
· Why resilience has become a key factor for dealing with changes
· 5 enablers for resilience building: awareness, clarity, and more
· Leadership focus to address the human side: empathy, psychological safety, and more
· Using the DiSC model to foster collaboration when change happens


✓ Pre-training discussion about goals and challenges
✓ Course materials
✓ Resources: Agile Working toolkit and templates
✓ Certified Digital Badge
✓ 12 months of Q&A support


✓ Identify how VUCA affects your team members
✓ Distinguish the human and technical side of change management
✓ Learn about change management models and determine which one is most suitable for a context
✓ Learn lessons from other companies that have dealt with frequent or big changes
✓ Dig into the ADKAR model and address human aspects of changes
✓ Complement change management with technical planning and execution using agile
✓ Understand causes and effects of individual and organizational resilience
✓ Prioritize enablers for building resilience
✓ Build psychological safety in teams e.g. with a team canvas
✓ Apply leadership skills that help embrace change and/or build resilience
✓ Analyze personality traits that will foster or complicate collaboration during changes
✓ Use agile methods with backlogs and waves to plan and drive changes iteratively


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