Client Case: Agile upskilling for digital transformation

The context
Our client is an Australian university that is undertaking an ambitious digital transformation program. A large group in the organization related to student enrollment and administration needed to upskill in order to be able to get ready for an agile way of thinking, organizing, and working.

Our work
We initiated interviews with the team leaders in order to identify business goals, agility constraints, current skills and challenges. We then worked out a custom-fit outline for an interactive workshop and inserted cases taken from their daily environment. In order to allow participants to absorb the new skills, we divided the training in 4 half-day blocks that each addressed a main theme, for example agile culture.

The team training was conducted live online with break-out rooms for exercises, and small teams also worked on an assignment related to their business environment. In addition, we performed coaching sessions with leaders to discuss the results of the training and to help them sustain their progress.

The result
Our client’s group now possesses the knowledge and skills to be able to fully implement new agile behaviors, transversal collaboration, and agile planning with iterations. The group also now uses hybrid agile ways of working that enable them to be an effective contributor to the organization-wide digital transformation program.