Team Training Workshop: Developing the Agile Core Capabilities

Team Training Workshop: Developing the Agile Core Capabilities


Introduce organizational and business agility including strategy, culture, structure, leadership, processes and workplace changes.

Duration: 16 hours
Audience: Product/service development teams, Business Owners, Product Owners, Managers, Coaches
Course format: Group onsite, group live online
Certified Digital Badge: Agile Professional - ENTERPRISE AGILIST

You are evangelizing agility throughout your organization and will need to upskill your employees that collaborate in this ecosystem. In a very hands-on manner, this workshop covers the major pillars of enterprise agility: strategy, culture, organization, product innovation, processes, leadership, and the workplace.

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WORKSHOP OUTLINE (customizable)

  • · Market sensing
    · Lean startup
    · Lean portfolio management

  • · Cultivating a growth mindset
    · Developing change resilience

  • · Hypotheses and Lean Startup
    · Design Thinking and Design Sprints
    · Evolving product definition

  • · Long-lived product teams
    · Cross-functional tribes and squads
    · Self-organization

  • · Short Scrum iterations
    · Kanban flow
    · DevOps and continuous delivery pipeline

  • · Lean-Agile Leadership
    · Distributed decision making
    · Leading change


✓ Define what agility means for your organization
✓ Target and map your team culture
✓ Create a fail-safe team environment
✓ Create shared and customer-centric purpose
✓ Design a network of empowered tribes and squads
✓ Envision products/services with Design Thinking
✓ Connect business strategy with team work items
✓ Create & prioritize product backlogs with epics and stories
✓ Implement Minimal Viable Product approach
✓ Plan program increments and team iterations
✓ Facilitate team and program-level syncs
✓ Create a team space for information sharing & team communication
✓ Manage visually, e.g. with Kanban boards, Obeya rooms
✓ Use OKRs to set quarterly roadmaps and targets


✓ Pre-training discussion of training goals, context, and challenges
✓ All course materials
✓ Resources: toolkit, templates and digital downloads
✓ Certified Digital Badge
✓ 1 year of Q&A support



Learners at the agileXL Academy earn certified digital badges that show evidence of their credentials and learning achievements. Badges are shareable via email and social media such as LinkedIn. The agileXL Academy is an Open Badges Issuer certified by badgr.